(03) 5574 2208
Merryn Coughlin
3 and 4-year-old kindergarten
Tuesday & Thursday – 8:45 am to 2:45 pm
Alternate Wednesdays – 8:45 am to 2:45 pm
about us
Cavendish Kindergarten is a very small rural service which takes pride in delivering a high-quality pre-kindergarten and kindergarten program in a combined group.
In recent years, many improvements have been made to the learning environment including a new cubby house, bike track, vegetable garden, a stage and the planting of various fruit trees.
The inside of the kinder has been completely refurbished with hardwood furniture and resources and provides a welcoming and flexible environment for both the kindergarten group and community playgroup.
The Cavendish Kindergarten is an integral part of the Cavendish community.
our philosophy
At Cavendish Kindergarten we recognise childhood as a unique time of life to be enjoyed and valued in its own right.
We understand that early childhood is a vital time to establish the foundations for health, wellbeing and learning.
Our kindergarten meets many challenges being part of a small rural community and our viability and success is dependent on a progressive and flexible outlook and community support.
We focus on the whole child and our program is guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. We work to foster in children a strong sense of identity and wellbeing. We facilitate children’s connections and contributions to their world and support them to become confident, involved learners and effective communicators.
In our work with children we:
- Provide a service that is safe, welcoming, inclusive, nurturing and accessible for all.
- Provide an educational program that is dynamic, flexible, creative and stimulating.
- Recognise that children learn through active, meaningful exploration of and engagement with the world around them…PLAY
- Value the physical learning environment as an influential teaching tool. Continually assessing, improving and extending the opportunities available for children.
- Recognise the importance of developing secure connections and collaborative partnerships.
- Value children’s input into the curriculum and utilise their strengths, culture, experiences and interests as a basis for further learning.
- Support children to become active leaders in the program
- Empower children to become resourceful, inquisitive, creative and resilient individuals, to reflect on their own learning and celebrate their efforts as well as their achievements.
- Encourage children to embrace diversity, develop empathy for and awareness of others and understand and take responsibility for their impact on the world around them.
- We actively teach children to include and enjoy rich and successful relationships with others.
In our partnership with families we:
- Recognise families as children’s first and most influential teachers and strive to develop open lines communication.
- Provide an environment where families feel welcome and valued.
- Acknowledge and celebrate diversity in family make up, beliefs, culture and tradition.
- Encourage and empower families to contribute to the educational program and service community.
As Early Childhood Professionals we:
- Work to develop equitable, responsive, collaborative and respectful relationships with all members of our kinder community.
- Create a positive environment that fosters reciprocal learning between children, families and staff
- Engage in reflective practice, recognise ourselves as learners and consistently strive to expand our own professional practice and personal development.
- Advocate for children, families and the importance of early childhood.
- Seek opportunities to interact with and learn from our communities: local, wider and professional.