COVID Update – as at 10 August 2021


The use of the Victorian Government’s Services Victoria QR Codes for electronic record keeping is mandatory at services. This is in order to enable the effective contact tracing of any COVID-19 cases. Any visitors to the service must ensure they sign in using the QR code on display.

How to check-in

Face masks

People aged 12 and over must wear a fitted face mask when in public indoor and outdoor spaces unless there is a lawful reason not to. Face masks must be carried at all times.

ECEC staff are not required to wear face masks while educating or caring, but those who wish to do so, can. Staff must wear face masks in indoor and outdoor areas of the service, when not educating or caring for children.

Visitors to ECEC services must wear face masks at all times – this includes parents and carers.


Visitor are limited to those essential for kindergarten operations.

Visitors required to support service operations, such as service management staff, health and wellbeing professionals (including Preschool Field Officers), authorised officers, and regional kindergarten improvement advisors, can visit. This includes regulatory activity such as assessment and rating of services.

Visitors must comply with face mask requirements and check-in using the Service Victoria app and QR codes. It is recommended that visitors keep at least 1.5 metres distance from others whenever possible and maintain good hand hygiene. 


Allied health professionals may resume on-site visits where they are offering support that cannot be achieved remotely to an individual teacher or address a particular issue (e.g. observing the kindergarten group to support the teacher with a particular issue).

Where allied health professionals (including those funded through School Readiness Funding) can provide the required support remotely, they should continue to do so. For example, professional development sessions should continue to be delivered online.

Allied health professionals visiting services must ensure they comply with COVIDSafe settings, including wearing a face mask, checking in using the Service Victoria QR Code app and adhering to density limits. They should also keep at least 1.5 metres distance from others and practice good hand hygiene.


Structured Workplace Learning (VCE, VCAL and VET students, including School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships) and Pre-service Teachers, including Initial Teacher Education and Vocational Education Training (VET), can resume in ECEC services across regional Victoria.


Excursions are permitted across regional Victoria and must be conducted in line with COVIDSafe Settings.

Excursions are to take place with children from a single service only and it is recommended that children be in their usual group.

Bush kinder may continue to operate.

Incursions are NOT permitted because visitors to services are still limited to those essential for operations.


Orientation and transition arrangements are not permitted across Victoria.

However, individual scheduled orientation sessions for new starters can occur with one parent or carer in attendance, if required. 

Any parent or carer in attendance must comply with face mask requirements, and maintain at least 1.5 metres physical distance from others, whenever possible.


Photography sessions with an external visitor are not permitted.


Singing and playing wind and brass instruments can occur across regional Victoria if Department of Health recommendations to reduce transmission risk are followed. Recommendations include moving outdoors, increasing ventilation, physical distancing of two metres between performers and five metres between performers and the audience, reducing the number of people, or reducing the length of time an activity is conducted.