
CPSG policies incorporate the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.  The National Regulations lists the policies and procedures required for all service types (see Regulation 168).

The policies relate to the seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard.

A copy of each policy is available at your kindergarten.  If you would like to be emailed an electronic copy of a specific policy, please click here.

1    Educational program and practice

QA1  Curriculum Development
QA1  Inclusion and Equity

2  Children’s health and safety

QA2  Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
QA2  Administration of First Aid
QA2  Administration of Medication 
QA2  Anaphylaxis 
QA2  Asthma 
QA2  Child Safe Environment
QA2  Dealing with Infectious Diseases  
QA2  Dealing with Medical Conditions 
QA2  Delivery and Collection of Children
QA2  Diabetes 
QA2  Emergency and Evacuation 
QA2  Epilepsy 
QA2  Excursions and Service Events 
QA2  Food Safety
QA2  Hygiene (includes nappy changing)
QA2  Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness
QA2  Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play
QA2  Relaxation and Sleep
QA2  Road Safety Education and Safe Road Transport
QA2  Sun Protection  
QA2  Supervision of Children
QA2 Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol
QA2  Water Safety
QA2  School Bus Travel

 3 Physical environment

QA3  Occupational Health and Safety
QA3  Environmental Sustainability

4 Staffing arrangements

QA4  Code of Conduct 
QA4  Determining the Responsible Person 
QA4  Participation of Volunteers and Students
QA4  Staffing

5 Relationships with children

QA5  Interactions with children

6 Partnerships with families and communities

QA6  Enrolment and Orientation

 7Leadership and service management

QA7  Fees 
QA7  Fundraising
QA7  Governance and Management of the Service
QA7  Complaints and Grievances
QA7 Debit Card
QA7  Information Technology
QA7  Privacy and Confidentiality
QA7  Records Management
QA7  Social Media