In instances where more eligible children apply for a place at a service than there are places available, CPSG must prioritise children based on the criteria outlined in the Department of Education and Training’s Kindergarten Funding Guide and work with other local kindergarten services and the regional Department office to ensure all eligible children have access to a kindergarten place.
The priority of access assessment process determines which applicants are granted a “high priority” place in a specific kindergarten service and group.
The table below outlines the relative weighting for each factor CPSG will consider when allocating place.
Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including Out-of-Home-Care
The child is:
- Enrolled in Early Start Kindergarten
OR referred by:
- Child Protection
- Child and Family Services
- Maternal & Child Health Nurse, or
- Out of Home Care Provider
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Children
Asylum seekers and refugee children
An appropriate visa that identifies the child and/or parents as a refugee or asylum seeker.
Children who are eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (KFS)
A child or parent/carer holds one of:
- Commowealth Health Care Card
- Pensioner Concession Card, or
- Veteran’s Affairs card, or
- A child is from multiple birth children (triplets or quadruplets)
Children who have an additional need
Defined as children who:
- require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program and/or
- children who require a combination of services which are individually planned and/or
- children who have an identified specific disability or developmental delay
- children who are eligible for a second year of funded kindergarten
The child:
- is assessed as having delays in two or more areas and is declared eligible for a second funded year of kindergarten
- holds a Child Disability Health Care Card
- has previously been approved for a Kindergarten or referred by the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Early Childhood Intervention Service, Preschool Field Officer or Maternal and Child Health Nurse.
Demonstrable link to the service:
You will be required to advise the name of the child and the year enrolled in the place provided on the application form |
All eligible children who are residents of the Shire of Southern Grampians (residential proximity to the service, using Google maps, will be considered).
At the time of registration, you may be asked to provide ONE supporting document, e.g. rates notice, utility bill, driver’s licence.
All eligible children whose parent/carer works or studies in the Shire of Southern Grampians.
At the time of registration, you may be asked to provide supporting documentation from an employer or education provider.
Children who are not offered a place in the kindergarten group listed as their first preference, may subsequently be offered a place at their second or third kindergarten.
* Should sites in Hamilton reach capacity, four-year-old children will be prioritised over three-year-old children.