Vision/eye testing | Glen Howell, Optometrist Hamilton | (03) 5572 2185 |
Hearing testing | Tim Rayner, Audiologist Warnambool but comes to Hamilton | (03) 5560 5833 |
Speech and language Screening | WDHS Speech Pathology Hamilton | (03) 5551 8262 |
Occupational therapist | WDHS Occupational Therapist (Support with physical development and coordination) | (03) 5551 8351 |
Maternal & Child Health Centre | Frances Hewett Community Centre Hamilton | (03) 5573 0806 |
Counselling services | For adults, children and families Frances Hewett Community Centre | (03) 5572 5371 |
The Orange Door | Wimmera South West The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children | 1800 271 180 |
Safe Steps | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for women and children who are victims of family violence Web chat support service Monday to Friday 9am until midnight | 1800 015 188 |
OZ Child Family Support | 1300 361 680 | |
Domestic Violence Help line | 1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT) |
Lifeline | A 24 hour confidential crisis support service responding to a range of concerns including anxiety, depression, abuse, suicidal thoughts and stress | 13 1114 |
Kids Help Line | 5 - 25 years 24/7 | 1800 551 800 |
Relationships Australia | Support & Counselling | 1300 364 277 |
Mensline Australia | 24/7 | 1300 789 978 |
Parentline | Help & support with parenting. | 13 22 89 |
Barwon Family Resource Centre Inc | (03) 5243 0980 | |
Koorie Education Co-coordinator | DEECD Barwon South Western Region | (03) 5225 1000 |
Maternal and Child Health Line | A 24 hour, 7 day a week service giving support to families with children from birth to school age on issues including child health, nutrition, breast feeding and parenting | 13 22 29 |
Nurse on Call | Health advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week | 1300 606 024 |
Parents without Partners | A service for single parents that offers the opportunity to meet other single parents for support, friendship and the exchange of parenting techniques | (03) 9836 3211 |
Victorian Poisons Information Centre | For advice and information on poisonings or possible poisonings | 13 11 26 |